Facilities Cleaning & Maintenance Tips Articles

3 Things to Consider When Choosing Commercial Flooring

Knowing the differences between commercial flooring is crucial when selecting the best option for your business, warehouse, or office space.  While many different flooring solutions exist, the best option is ultimately one that suits the...

Toxic Cleaning Chemicals

The EPA rates chemicals by toxicity level. There are four categories. Category I is the most toxic and category IV is the least toxic. Covid-19 can be killed by category IV cleaning chemicals with low impact to long term health implicaitons

How to Choose a Commercial Cleaning Company?

Benefits of Hiring a Commercial Cleaning Company Letting a commercial cleaning company take care of routine cleaning is often a good use of resources. Pay for a qualified, experienced team of cleaners to keep things ship-shape, so you can maximize your efforts...

First Impressions Matter

Every business should be conscious of the impression their physical space makes, on both customers and employees. Being clean, orderly and hygienic makes a difference, no matter what your business. It affects your company’s image.  If someone’s first impression is...