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Green Seal Office Partnership

by | Nov 3, 2017 | Commercial Office Cleaning Tips, Hiring a Commercial Cleaning Company

An experienced janitorial services vendor can assist your organization with acquiring and maintaining Green Seal’s Green Office Partnership.

Janitorial Services for Green Seal’s Green Office Partnership Program

The emerging, highly sought-after millennial workforce is reshaping the way companies do business.

Among the most dramatic impacts currently underway are the shifts in office management and building design.

Research has shown that millennials prefer to work in greener office spaces that focus on sustainable business practices.

According to PrivotDesk;

[sic]…millennials are even affecting the construction of commercial space. Concern about sustainability leads millennials to prefer working in an energy-efficient, “green” building.

Millennials and Their Impact on Commercial Office Space

Businesses wishing to remain competitive over the next ten years should pay very close attention to the demands of the millennial demographic.

According to Build and Construction Magazine;

Baby Boomers made up more than half of the U.S. workforce in 2010, according to JLL; by 2020, they will be outnumbered by Millennials. A study by Forbes projects that three out of four workers will be Millennials by 2025.

Workplace design trends: Make way for the Millennials

What Does a Green Office Partnership Consist Of?

A Green Seal Green Office Partnership works for both owners and property renters that wish to improve the health and safety of their office while reducing their environmental impact.

For simplicity, think of the of the Green Office Partnership in terms of a lighter version of the USBGC’s LEED certification.

According to the Green Seal website, the program avoids covering areas typically under the auspices of a property or facilities manager and, instead, focuses on business processes and spaces normally assigned to the office manager, including;

  • Waste reduction and recycling.
  • Office supplies.
  • Kitchen and pantry supplies.
  • IT equipment and management.
  • Operational systems.
  • Transportation, and;
  • Training and education.

For More Information:

  • Green Office Partnership


Green Seal provides a checklist your designated ‘green leader’ can use to determine your office’s readiness for evaluation.

Much of the criteria is relatively straightforward and focuses on practical improvements that can be made, even within a leased space, including;

  • Product Purchasing – This area focuses on simple adjustments to office supply purchasing decisions, such as buying in bulk, where practical, and products made of recycled materials, when available.  Additional guidelines include purchasing environmentally safe and friendly products, with a strong emphasis on Green Seal certified cleaning chemicals.
  • Asset Lifecycle Management – Recycling and waste management are vital parts of reducing a businesses carbon footprint through the conscientious administration of all non-organic products, especially electronic equipment, and accessories, such as computers, printers, and toner.
  • Recycling – The recycling portion focuses on implementing easily identifiable and accessible receptacles that are clearly marked and color coded.  Additionally, the recommendation to make composting available is covered briefly, which may or may not be practical, especially in multi-tenant offices, or leased office space.  However, you are encouraged to approach your buildings facilities or property manager about potential implementation and improvements.
  • Transportation Alternatives – In the modern technological age, transportation options have extended beyond carpooling, public transit allowances, and the availability of bike storage, to telecommuting/teleworking options, with a strong emphasis on purchasing and implementing conference call and messaging technologies to avoid unnecessary travel, and the associated pollution that comes with it.  Additional focus is placed on purchasing from other Green Office partners, like hotels, and electric/hybrid car rentals.
  • Education – As with most things, education is the key to success.  Green Seal recommends the designation of a signle person, typcially the office manager, to identifiy and document all policies and procedures necessary to acquire and maintain a Green Office Partnership, then devise concise and ongoing training and new employee onboarding programs that inform all staff about their personal responsiblites regarding products and services to be purchased in support of all business operations, as well as where any waste should be disposed of.

For More Information:

  • Green Seal Green Office Partnership Checklist v2.0


A Green Office Partnership through Green Seal is a fantastic way for progressive businesses to make their office a healthier, safer, and more productive place to work.

Due to pressures from the emerging millennial workforce, companies wishing to remain competitive by attracting younger talent will need to rise to the challenge sooner, rather than later.

The process, especially for those new to the idea, may appear daunting at first, but the benefits for employees, business profits and productivity, as well as the Earth as a whole, are undeniable.

Your local certified green janitorial services company can help.

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